Our Mission
The purposes shall include promotion of the professional development and advancement of Officials in the sport of functional fitness (‘Judges’), to include the safety of Judges and athletes, fairness and consistency in standards for competitions, and by developing a greater degree of transparency between athletes, coaches, event organizers and Judges, inclusive of all individuals and organizations involved in the sport of functional fitness.
Photo credit: Johany Jutras
Goals of the AFJ
Judges Directory: Develop a vetted database of judges, noting the prior judging experience in an effort to help connect judges to competitions, training camps, and individual athletes for in-person and remote competitions moving into the 2024 season and beyond.
Competition: Develop a method of giving feedback to judges and a mentorship system to enable judges to better improve their craft, allowing them to be more effective to benefit both the athlete and the competition as a whole. The AFJ looks to aid in staffing competitions of all sizes who would like assistance in recruiting experienced judges for their competitions.
Education: Develop a series of documents, videos and seminars such as:
What to Expect at a Competition - seeing athletes performing movements at competition speed and from non-ideal angles, staging, scorecard etiquette, athlete relations etiquette, and hand signals.
Online Video Judging - how to set your athlete up for a successful virtual competition.
Judges Directory
The Judges Directory will be a resource for staffing events and all stages of the Games season. If you want to be a part of it, take a moment to fill out the form linked below. Information will remain confidential.
AFJ Survey
We are looking for your feedback! Tell us how this organization can better serve the sport of functional fitness moving forward. Fill out the survey linked below to give us your thoughts.
JAG White Paper
Click below to read the original Judges Advisory Group (JAG) White Paper that began the movement towards creating the Association of Fitness Judges.
Partnered with PFAA
We have teamed up with the PFAA to ensure functional fitness competition standards and judging are safe and accurate across the board. Read more about the PFAA and their missions by clicking the button below.
Interested in partnering or having the AFJ provide judging support for your competition? Send us a message!